Pleasant Plains School District needed a geothermal HVAC system for its middle school, modeled after the district’s high school geothermal design. The district’s HVAC system was not yet experiencing performance issues, but they wanted to be proactive and upgrade the system prior to failure. With the school being rural, they did not have access to natural gas for heating and cooking. Instead, the school was utilizing diesel fuel which is very costly.
We were able to switch the school to liquefied petroleum gas, or LP gas, which is a much more cost-effective solution for the domestic water, heating, and kitchen needs. Having also designed the high school’s geothermal system, we replicated the designs as closely as possible. We were able to incorporate 84 total wells, each 300 feet deep, ensuring ideal functionality of the system. As a result, Pleasant Plains Middle School now has LP gas and an energy-efficient, geothermal HVAC system, providing more consistency across the district’s facilities and saving on utility costs for years to come.
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