Country Financial’s unique training idea required downsizing of several existing spaces within their facility and the addition of a model house to train assessors, that was built within their pre-existing warehouse. Another desired change was the addition of car lifts for Auto insurance agents. Aside from training, the company also needed to ensure the safety of their stored data, while maintaining efficient power distribution and usage.
We provided changes so that the data center is now self-contained, with a self-cooling element, streamlined power distribution, and has proper backup generator precautions. As far as the training spaces, KED assisted by providing fire protection, LED lighting, a variable frequency drive (VFD), power systems, and plumbing to the brand-new, model house within their warehouse. In order to achieve the client’s renovation goals within the desired timeframe, we coordinated utility shutdowns and fire watches to ensure safety while continuing our work on site. We also provided car lift installation and coordinated with mechanical to achieve the desired outcome for their Home and Auto Center.
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