
Safeguarding a College’s Generator System

Sauk Valley Community College


The Challenge

Sauk Valley needed to replace their main backup generator as it was at that end of its life. They also wanted to add a small diesel generator as an additional safeguard. The main generator also needed to be relocated outside, making routing a pathway for the connection more complex. The school’s switch gear was also being replaced at the same time by a different firm. The switch gear and backup generator rely on one another to function, thus making both projects more difficult.


KEDbluestone Solution

We coordinated closely with the other firm doing the switch gear replacement to work through the complications with the equipment, resulting in successful upgrades. We created a pathway to the genera-tor in its new, outside location, allowing for freed up space inside. The brand-new, modernized generator includes a larger load capacity and additional controls, ensuring to backup all necessary systems. We also provided a smaller, diesel generator as a reserve, ensuring the system is fail-safe. As a result of the project, the school was able to consolidate their equipment and provided an added benefit of eliminating their roof-mounted radiator. Sauk Valley now has better controls, emissions, and a peace of mind surrounding their systems.


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